Bremen Hastedt – Industrious City
Industrielles Quartier
Ahmad Dello, Alonso Leonides, Winter semester 2021/22 – SoAB

Hastedt is an industrial area located in the south-east part of Bremen. For many decades it has played an important role in the history and development of Germany. Today it stands as an exclusively industrial area which lacks a connection with the city.
The idea behind this development aims to bring together the industry and the city and to supersede the old urban stream in which they should be separated as an illusion of progress or well-being. The industry serves the people, and the people are those who make the industry work every day.
The project explores the new relationships that are created when housing and industry are put together, and how they benefit from one another. To this means a specific typology of block was selected with the inspiration of the work “Work models for the Productive City” from “plusofficearchitects” and “WRKSHP collective”. The big enveloping housing block allows to create and contain new spaces on its inside where industrial activities can take place. The space between no longer rejects the presence of the people but also hosts a broad specter of activities and uses. By manipulating the degree of containment of such enveloping blocks it was possible to explore the diverse relationships created between the space within and the outer urban context.
Reuse and repurpose of the existing industrial buildings are also a goal of the project. Many of them are still considered as valuable assets whose structure and infrastructure can be used to hold new uses that serve the industrial character of the area.

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