Hochschulseminar - Mythos grüne Stadt
Die Spaziergangswissenschaft - Warum ist Landschaft schön? von Lucius Burckhardt
Henning Schnaars und Anastasia Edelberg, 11/12/2014


That is something we hardly do anymore. 

Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) lectured social-economy of urban systems at the faculty of town planning and landscape planning at the Gesamthochschule Kassel. In connection with his research into landscape aesthetics, he founded the field of Strollology (Spaziergangswissenschaft) and continued his critical analysis of contemporary planning practices through the perspective of a stroller. Strollology seeks out places and action, tries to rediscover how to observe. Observing means opening up new visual angles, trying out ways of seeing, noticing the unfamiliar, exposing disturbing elements, making mistakes and catching yourself doing so. It is the complete opposite of "reality TV", because it is not oriented on outward appearences, but on underlying causes.